EVELTHON Method © is a Fast, Quality, Low-Cost Consulting Method For Small Businesses invented by Mr. Evelthon G. Iacovides (a Cypriot business consultant/educator and co-founder of high-tech enterprises) to help small businesses worldwide (using authorized consultants and/or the Internet)
Small businesses (businesses employing 1-50 people) comprise 99% of businesses worldwide
Very small businesses (1-10 people) comprise 95% of businesses worldwide
These businesses need support from capable and qualified business consultants (ideally consultants who are founders/managers of their own businesses, and seasoned entrepreneurs themselves)
Currently, consulting support is either offered by governments or universities at no/low cost, but access to such support is bureaucratic and time-consuming
The EVELTHON Method ©
Designed specifically to help entrepreneurs quickly develop solutions to their current challenges
Plan their immediate actions for the next 3 months, and
Decide on their strategy for the next 12 months.
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